95 pages – Suggested weeks to complete 8-10 weeks minimum

Table of Contents
Prologue – The Context of Redemptoris Mater
Chapter One – A Woman at the Heart of the Fullness of Time
Chapter Two – Mary, Full of Grace
Chapter Three – Blessed is She Who Believed
Chapter Four – Blessed is She Who Believed (Continued)
Chapter Five – Behold Your Mother
Chapter Six – Mother of God at the Center of the Pilgrim Church
Chapter Seven – Mary, Handmaid of the Lord
Chapter Eight – Mary in the Life of the Church and of Every Christian

A sample two-hour session
7:00 p.m. – Hellos
7:15–7:20 p.m. – Opening Prayer
7:20–8:50 p.m. – Read & Discuss
8:50 p.m. – Closing Prayers/Announcements
9:00 p.m. – Goodbyes

Supplemental resources

Paying it forward
Make a one-time gift to Endow to help women all over the world discover their God-given dignity!

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God had plans for me — he introduced me to women who continue to remain close friends and are pillars in my spiritual journey. I pray that every woman takes an Endow course and learns the beauty of her feminine genius!


Ignite your unique feminine genius through the Mother of the Redeemer. Pope St. John Paul II calls our Blessed Mother, Mary, the “most excellent expression of the feminine genius.” His presentation of Mary in Redemptoris Mater gives you and all women a model to follow in navigating your personal vocation. This study helps you connect with Mary as a sister, a companion, and above all, a mother who awakens hope and confidence in God’s mercy and love.

Navigating the study
This study can be comfortably done in 8-12 weeks. A quick note for facilitators of this study:

  • There are many discussion questions in this study guide. It is up to the discretion of the facilitator to follow the lead of the women as well as the Holy Spirit in helping steward the questions that are most striking to the group!

We are here to support you
Throughout your study, as spiritual, theological, or pastoral questions arise, please contact us for support. Please also consider emailing us testimonies from your group! We love to hear what the Lord is doing through Endow!

The Endow team is here to support you in studying this important document! For an initial 20-minute Zoom meeting with us, please contact [email protected] with the subject line “Mentoring meeting”

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