Welcome to the Created For High School Series
Your daughter’s high school years are a crucial moment for her to start taking ownership of her faith. The world is proposing to her its own definitions of what a woman should be, what a teenager should be, and who she should be.
“In the war for the soul of our culture, woman is the battlefield and the teenage girl is ground zero.”
Eileen Love, founding employee of Endow
Our Created For collection proposes something different. Your daughter will come to confidently know that her identity comes from God and that her heart was created for His love.

Your daughter is Created For…
Love, Community, Holiness, & Mission

Endow’s Created For series is a four-part series for high school girls to discover their identity as beloved daughters of God: Created for Love, Created for Community, Created for Holiness, and Created for Mission. Your high school Endow group can choose to do one study each year of high school or study the series at your own pace!
- Part 1: Created for Love
- Part 2: Created for Community
- Part 3: Created for Holiness
- Part 4: Created for Mission

Hosting an Endow High School Group
How is an Endow High School group structured?
We recommend that each high school group meets six times and works through one chapter at each meeting. Each meeting will open and conclude with prayer. Most of the meeting will be spent reading the study aloud and answering the discussion questions. Meetings should be as focused and fun as possible. It is also important that the girls are given a space where they feel free and safe to share what is on their hearts during discussion. This will depend on the group, but we recommend meetings to be between one and a half and two hours long. This will allow opportunity for movement, activities, questions, and journaling!
Who can host High School Endow group?
The Created for series can be hosted by:
Moms: Moms can host a group for their daughter and her friends either over the summer break or as an after-school activity..
Youth ministers: Are you a campus minister at an all-girls high school? Are you looking for a program for your youth group? The Created For series is a great resource for women who have a heart for ministry and want to assist young women in cultivating their dignity and feminine genius.
College students: College-aged women who have a heart for younger women make amazing high school hosts! You can start a high school Endow group at your parish or for your younger sister and her friends.
How can I learn more about how to bring this series to the girls in my life?
We would love to meet with you through a host mentor call. We can help you brainstorm how the Created For series can be brought to life in your home or parish.
Sign up for a mentor call to meet with one of our staff members.