In an eight-week series, Endow examines the incredible life of St. Catherine of Siena by studying the Endow study: Setting the World Ablaze.

Format: The format for this study is similar to 2020’s Edith Stein Online and Humanae Vitae OnlineThe panelists will read the chapter ahead of time so the meeting time can be primarily discussion, interaction, and Q&A with the live participants. For those who are considering becoming an Endow host, this would be great preparation for it!

Panelists: Joining Simone Rizkallah, Director of Program Growth, and Annette Bergeon, Executive Director, we are excited to announce Katie Dawson, the Director of Evangelization for the Diocese of Orange, Jonna Schuster from Catholic Revival Ministries, and Fr. Steven Akers from the Diocese of Monterey will be with us for this very special event!

In her mere 33 years, she left such a rich legacy that she is named a Doctor of the Church. She is best known for The Dialogue, a book of meditations and revelations in which she shares intimate conversations with God. She used her ‘feminine genius’ to address the problems the world presented her and her words will ring as true today as when she first exhorted fellow Christians: “Be who you are called to be and you will set the world ablaze!”

To view the recordings of each week you can click the image to expand the video and watch.