141 pages – Suggested weeks to complete 8-12 weeks

Table of Contents
Chapter One – Suffering and the Human Person
Chapter Two – The Problem of Pain
Chapter Three – God’s Only Begotten Son
Chapter Four – The Suffering of Christ
Chapter Five – The Way of Discipleship
Chapter Six – Like Christ
Chapter Seven – Priests, Prophets, and Kings
Chapter Eight – The Good Samaritan

A sample two-hour session
7:00 p.m. – Hellos
7:15–7:20 p.m. – Opening Prayer
7:20–8:50 p.m. – Read & Discuss
8:50 p.m. – Closing Prayers/Announcements
9:00 p.m. – Goodbyes

Supplemental resources

In addition to the St. Teresa of Avila study, we also did the study on John Paul II’s On the Christian Meaning of Suffering. My mom and sister also joined us for that study. It was incredible and life changing!


Reconciling the weight of the world’s beauty with the weight of human suffering is a problem almost as old as the world itself. Every age and every culture has attempted to understand the meaning of human suffering. In this study guide, you will meditate upon the words of Pope St. John Paul II. Through this study, you will examine your own heart, mind, and actions, seeking to find the meaning in your own walk through ‘the Valley of Tears.’

We are here to support you
Throughout your study, as spiritual, theological, or pastoral questions arise, please contact us for support. Please also consider emailing us testimonies from your group! We love to hear what the Lord is doing through Endow!

The Endow team is here to support you in studying this important document! For an initial 20-minute Zoom meeting with us, please contact [email protected] with the subject line “Mentoring meeting”

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